Packaging of Specification
PLM Area
Packaging of Specification
During our video presentation – 9 videos – we are going to develop a very useful application in a productive environment. The Packaging Concept application will be designed to allow to lock the Header of the Specification. Ensures that our changes – the invested work – will be saved at the end. We will use the dynamically builded SPI Layer for the data communication between the front end and the back end. What is the benefit on that? All of the existing customizations are based on this framework, because so much PLM Web Dynpro application (Recipe UI, Specification UI, DIR UI, etc.) uses the same layer for the back end communication. Therefore, all of our developments will be available inside our fiori applications, which was built on the Spi layer BAdI concept.

Video 1
Create Application and Get Basic Data
During this video chapter we are starting to build SAP Fiori Web Application for the Packaging Concept of Specification by the Dynamic SAP Application Maintenance Tool.
The first video describes how easy way to create SAPUI5 application, why important to handle the dynamic link parameters dynamically, and one simple implementation of the Get Basic Data method.
We can also learn how to create a Binding object that we can simply send with the called Function Import.
SAPUI5 code
SAPUI5 skill
ABAP code
ABAP skill
Video 2
Link Dynamic UI Creator Tool Controller into the application and create Icon Tab Bar element
Link Dynamic UI Creator Tool Controller into the application and create Icon Tab Bar element
The next step is to create one really powerful control, called IconTabBar. This will be the main design element of our application.
For the easy creation we will import the element from the templates, and filling with 4 IconTabFilter-s:
– Basic Data Tab
– Status Tab
– Packaging Tab
– Recycling Tab
We will create the UI elements by the Dynamic UI Creator Tool Controller, we can create elements of the applications dynamically without any programming knowledge.
The web Applications has 2 main area, the content area and the footer area.
We are going to implement the Icon Tab Bar inside the content area.
SAPUI5 code
SAPUI5 skill
ABAP code
ABAP skill
Video 3
Create Basic Data Form with connection to the SPI layer
During the video we are going add one Form control into the Basic Data Tab to display the header data of the Specification.
For the easy creation we will import the element from the templates.
After some modification, we fill it with the corresponding data through the SPI layer.
Therefore, all of our developments will be available inside our fiori application, which was built on the SPI Layer BAdI concept.
We will learn how easy to connect into the back end with the Maintenance Free Dynamic OData Solution. Without any typed program line even front end or back end side.
SAPUI5 code
SAPUI5 skill
ABAP code
ABAP skill
Video 4
Implementation of the Lock Concept and the Save Functionality
During this video chapter we are going to add lock concept into our Packaging of Specification Application. Of course e will use the standard ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE technology as usual.
With the usage of the corresponding controller the application is able to store the changes inside the buffer at the back end side, and it is able to save the buffer data too.
The selected controller has Edit, Save and Cancel Button group with builded functionality in the background.
The implemented logic is going to lock, unlock or save the buffer information with the usage of them.
Of course we can touch the main logic by the Events of the controller too.
SAPUI5 code
SAPUI5 skill
ABAP code
ABAP skill
Video 5
Implementation of the UITable Control for the Status of the Specification
During the video we are going to fill out the Status Tab with the status information of the Specification.
We will use one sap.ui.table control for it.
We will learn how can we create Models inside the configuration settings, and how can we connect easily with that into the SPI Layer to use the retrieve, insert, update and delete operations. Of course without any typed program line even the back end or front end side.
SAPUI5 code
SAPUI5 skill
ABAP code
ABAP skill
Video 6
Implementation of the Custom Feeder Class with buffer functionality
During this video we will learn how can we create Custom Feeder Class object with buffer functionality.
The Feeder object is able to handle the retrieve, update, insert and delete operations.
Of course it is able to buffer the unsaved changes and save them by the pressed save button.
The Feeder Class is an independent object. We can use the same object in case of fiori, web dynpro, report etc applications too.
To make sure we can catch exactly the same values in particular places, because of the same source of the implemented logic.
This Packaging concept is a quite simple.
It can be present only the custom feeder class solution with the buffer technology.
SAPUI5 code
SAPUI5 skill
ABAP code
ABAP skill
Video 7
Implementation of the Value Help Get functionality
During this video we will learn how easy to implement the value help functionality into our Dynamic SAP Application.
We are going to use the Value Help Get function, where the selected input name is enough for the value help selection.
This information is automatically sent by the called request, therefore we have a possibility to handle the selection at the back end side simply.
The implemented logic is writing back automatically the selections too.
We no need to d o any special think, therefore we can achieve this implementation without any typed program line at the front end side again.
SAPUI5 code
SAPUI5 skill
ABAP code
ABAP skill
Video 8
Implementation of the Custom UITable's settings functionality
During this video we will learn how easy to customize the table elements of our Dynamic SAP Application.
With the Features AddOn Technology it is quite easy like a child’s game.
The linked Custom UITable’s Settings controller contains one Table Custom Settings Dialog, where we can change the sort of the columns, hide-unhide them by the arrows or with the drag and drop functionality.
Of course it can store the changes into the User settings too. It means, the next loading automatically displayed all of the columns as adjusted. Without any typed program line at front end and back end side too.
The video illustrates well why it is worth developing the future applications inside the dynamic environment. It is enough build once and we can use everywhere.
SAPUI5 code
SAPUI5 skill
ABAP code
ABAP skill
Video +1
Authorization of the Dynamic SAP Application
During this video we will learn how can we protect all moments of our Dynamic SAP Application with the standard authorization object.
We have a possibility to create quite complex accessibility for every: – UI element – implemented function – model operations separately (data access) – access to the views – access to the whole application.
Because our company and employees works together for the same goal, but not all information can be shared each other.
With the advanced authorization technology, we can serve multiple layers within our workgroup with only one application.
We can win significant development time and effort.
Of course, all this from the configuration settings, without any knowledge of programming.
SAPUI5 code
SAPUI5 skill
ABAP code
ABAP skill